Between 16 and 21 July 2014, Lions Club Campulung Negru Voda organized Lions National Mathematics Camp for all District Lions Clubs, for approx. 20 children who start this year the VIII class, passionate for mathematics with a poor material situation.
Lions Club Ploiesti sent three students to the camp, Frasineanu Amelia from Sfantu Vasile School, Miroiu Rares from the National College Mihai Viteazul, both from Ploiesti and Daniel Visan from Bucharest. The children are passionate about math, they participating and winning several local and regional contests at math and other scholar disciplines.
All the children benefited at Campulung of best conditions for entertainment and for training to math by mentor-teachers, collaborators to the Mathematics Gazette.
Children were very happy and excited about the days spent in camp, for the math exercises they have solved and for the trips and fun program offered by the organizers.
We thank Lions Club Campulung for their involvement to offer the possibility of participating also this year, the7-th, in this camp.