This year, during 12 to 16 July, held in Hamburg the Lions International Convention. Lions Club Ploiesti had two representatives at the event.
Romanian delegation who attended at the Lions Parade on Saturday, July 13, was made up of 32 people, including the Governor, Immediate Past Governor, Vice Governor 1, ViceGuvernator2 and District Secretary for lionistic year 2013-2014 – the last be member of the club of Ploiesti.
Our country participation at the parade was very well received by participants from all countries, being greeted warmly by the international leadership Lions members who have watched from the officials.
International Convention was a great opportunity to recognize the development of lionistic movement at the global level and participate in various meetings, debates on various topics, which are part of the International Lions Clubs throughout the world.
We attended the International Seminar on Peace Poster Contest, where were introduced some of the previous winners of this traditional event. It is very interesting that most of these young people have developed the artistic direction after winning prizes, beautiful arts. Some of them are drawing teacher mentors for the young generations of children.
It's great to see how approximately 25.000 Lions members throughout the world gathered to meet each other, to participate in joint events during the convention days, with joy and with an awareness that they are part of an organization with farm vision, with a clear mission and with a long and worthy history.