Leadership Course - Brasov April 2013

Leadership Training – Brasov

Between 18 and 21 April 2013 was done, the 20th Seminar for leadership District 124 Romania, in Brasov.

The trainers were Marius Popa - VDG 2 and coordinator leadership  committee GLT, LC Timisoara,  Mirela Grigorovici  - VDG 1 and coordinator leadership FDI , LC Iasi D, Vlad Tica - PDG and coordinator leadership FDI , LC Constanta .

From Lions Club Ploiesti has participated at this seminar the future president, for the lionistic year 2103-2014, Gheorghe Teodorescu.

The schedule of the seminar was organized around the Administration of a Lions Club and has contained:

  1. The meetings management;
  2. Club structure;
  3. Committees;
  4. Club finances;
  5. Taxes;
  6. Submit reports;
  7. Special events of the Lions club ;
  8. New club members.


Lions Clubs International is the largest humanitarian service organization in the world, made up of people with a recognized moral and social position, able to improve the fate of the poor, united by friendship and animated by the desire to serve.


Lions Club Ploiesti

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